Suffering from any form of eye problems?

Discover a simple secret your optician doesn't want you to know

Clear Vision Tea is a Natural Herbal Tea Product That Corrects Eye Defects & Sight Related Problems

If this solution does not cure your eye problems, then nothing else may cure it.

This remedy which has no side effects is best for getting rid of Glaucoma, Cataract, Redish and Itching Eyes and other EYE related problems. 

Stop Wearing Glasses. Doctors Don't Want You To Know About This Clue

If this is YOU, or you have someone who wants to get rid of his/her eye problem, then sit back and relax because in less than 5 minutes I will show you the RARE natural eye solution that has been working for a lot of people out there, and is guaranteed to work for you too.

This solution is unpopular. Why? You may ask 

There's only one answer to this question.

Because doctors don’t want you to know of this eye solution. They know that once you discover this, you won't be coming to their eye clinic ever again.

But because they want you to keep coming back to them, they hide it from you.

But not anymore!

We all know that good eyesight is as important as human life 

Play & Listen To A Customer Testimony who now recommends this product to others!

We use our eye to read do all of our day-to-day activities like reading, writing, watching movies, playing video games, etc. The list is endless.

But with your eye problem, these day to day activities become a nightmare because you won't be able to carry out these activities anymore, and consequently, it will impact negatively on your performance.

But because the hospital bills for eye problem is ridiculously expensive, we do nothing…

…What if I told you that you could do something today with this easy, inexpensive and natural way you can restore your eyesight without breaking the bank?

SEE our Customers Review Below

Take Full Control Of Your Eye Problems Today!

I have suffered from Cataract and it's not your regular type of cataract, this one didn't come to play. It was severe and painful that I was gradually losing my eyesight, even with my vast knowledge of optometry, I had to visit an optician every week who kept prescribing the same drugs I have already prescribed to myself before visiting him.

But nothing was working. I have already spent hundreds of thousands of naira but was still getting closer every day to losing my eyesight.

The thought from opening my eyes one day and won't be able to see anything, just a black void gave me goosebumps. I was practically scared of what my life would become if such happens. I started losing weight.

But I didn't stop there. I started looking for alternative medicine too, but not the orthodox medicine this time. I decided to look for natural remedies for my eye problem. So, I used to browse Google and Nairaland looking for natural eye remedy for my Cataract.

Take Action Now Before that Eye Totally Goes BAD!

 My Advice is that you kindly and carefully read through the entire information on this page and you will get your perfect eyesight back. This product we are selling works wonders. Your eyesight story is about to change for better once get started with any of the plans below. Today is your turn and i assure you that after reading this, you will never see any reason to put on those glasses/lenses - except for beauty/fashion sake.

One day, I stumbled upon this product "Clear Vision Tea" that practically changed my life forever —and I mean that it changed my life for good..

Complete the form below to ORDER!

Please be informed that full Payment on Delivery is ONLY available for Lagos at the  moment. For orders outside Lagos, you will required to pay 5,000 Naira as deposit into our Corporate account before we can dispatchyour order. The customer pays the balance upon delivery. This measure is to ensure that the customer is available and ready to pay after the order has been sent to that location


✔ Delivery is FREE Nationwide. 

 ✔For enquiries Call/SMS: 08131593435.

Here's how it happened. 

I was browsing through this Google and landed on a website where people were sharing their testimonies on how one natural Chinese eye care tea had worked for them, even after modern medicine failed them. 

I quickly became curious and made more inquiries which led me to contact Dr. Justin. He was then the only sole distributor of this wonderful eye care Tea. I told him life’s story, how Cataract wants to steal the story of my youth from me (even after spending thousands of naira on orthodox drugs). 

He listened to me and told me he has just what I need to stop myself from losing my eyesight. He then proceeded to explain to me how he went about acquiring this natural eye care tea and how it has worked wonders for him and many other people who have used the Clear Vision Tea (as I could see on the platform).

I quickly placed an order for mine, I wasn't sure it was going to work. I just told myself that this is going to be my last attempt. If after this and it doesn’t work, I will just resign to fate.

Long story short, the eye care tea was delivered to my doorsteps one week later, and I started using it. In less than 2 months of using this wonderful eye care tea, all my cataracts cleared up, and my eyes became as clear as that of a new born baby. I was shocked. How can a simple clear vision tea work more than doctors prescription?

I was grateful Dr. Justin and thanked him for helping me finally win the battle against Cataract.

But I wasn't going to stop there. I knew that many other Nigerians are going through what I went through with nobody to help them out, especially considering the huge hospital bills. I didn't want them to go through what I went through. So, I made further arrangements with Dr. Justin, and he agreed to connect me with his supplier. Right now, over 700 Nigerians have benefited from this natural eye solution, and they have all been seeing positive results.

Now, you may ask, how can a simple eye care tea be so powerful to the extent of curing eye problems that defied orthodox medicines?

The secret lies in the recipe, dating as far back as the ancient, traditional Chinese herbs that have been in use before the advent of the modern world

Clear Vision Tea is made of rare natural herbal extracts, that after several years of research, scientist prove that these herbs help eliminate any form of eye problems, gives a crystal clear eye, improves eye sight and vision naturally.

The following Ingredients are present in the Clear Vision Tea:

☯ Gingko Biloba. This is an ancient cure known for enhancing circulation around the back of the eye. It helps by making sure that there is enough blood supply circulating throughout the eye.

☯ “Eyebright” also called Euphrasia officinalis has long been a remedy for the eyes in China. In China, most of their foods contain teas, tinctures and homeopathic eyedrops made from this herb. 

☯ Green tea (Camellia sinensis) contains antioxidants, which mop up free radicals—substances that create the so-called oxidative damage underlying many chronic diseases, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts. 

☯ Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) contains potent antioxidant flavonoids called anthocyanins. Its American botanical cousins blueberry and cranberry also contain such chemicals. One recent study did find that anthocyanins from another berry—black currant (Ribes nigrum)—hastened adaptation to the dark and also reduced eye fatigue.

Then this power-packed Clear Vision Tea is what you should be spending your money on. You Can Stop Wearing Glasses After Taking This Tea. Made With Chinese Herbs.

Imagine the transformation and relief you’ll get within the quickest time possible, which is possible without an eye surgery. The days of paying for expensive bills at the hospitals Or killing your eye with orthodox medicine is gone! Can you imagine waking up tomorrow morning only to discover that:

-Those annoying eye problems are gone
-Your eye is no longer puffy, watery or itchy.
-You now have a healthy pair of eyes.
-And you achieved all of that without spending huge bills at the hospital.

Complete the form below to ORDER!

Please be informed that full Payment on Delivery is ONLY available for Lagos at the  moment. For orders outside Lagos, you will required to pay 5,000 Naira as deposit into our Corporate account before we can dispatchyour order. The customer pays the balance upon delivery. This measure is to ensure that the customer is available and ready to pay after the order has been sent to that location


✔ Delivery is FREE Nationwide. 

 ✔For enquiries Call/SMS: 08131593435.

✔Full Payment on Delivery is currently available for Lagos at the  moment. For orders outside Lagos, you may be required to pay 5,000 Naira into our Corporate account before we can dispatch it for delivery. The customer pays the balance upon delivery. This measure is to ensure that the customer is available and ready to pay after the order has been sent to that location.

You dont want to miss out on this amazing product

This power-packed CLEAR VISION TEA is what you should be spending your money on. It works for a variety of eye problems. This product is suitable for you if you fall into any of these categories below; 

☑ If you wear Spectacle

☑ If you have been diagnosed with Glaucoma or Cataract

☑ If you have any kind of retina issues

☑ If you have amplypia weakness of one eye

☑ Redish or Itching eye

☑ If you have any type of eye problems or defects

☑ Shortsightedness

☑ Night Blindness

☑ Old-age Sight

☑ Growth by the corners of the eyes

You Can Stop Wearing Glasses After Taking This Tea. Made With China Herbs

Take Advantage of Our Discount Offer Today!, FREE Delivery ENDS after this WEEK!

Now that you have the chance to FINALLY have a super sharp eyes that you will not need those annoying Eye glasses & expensive eye treatment, don’t lose it as I just have just 30 packs available. This is an international certified product 

No Alcohol, No Pigment, Lead-Free, Mercury-Free, No Chemical Fragrances Added. 100% Natural Extract, Safe With No Side Effects

So How Much Is the Clear Vision Eye Tea?

1 Month Package : ✅N35,000 

(Two Packs) 

2 Months Package : ✅N60,000 

(Four Packs)  

3 Months Package : ✅N90,000 

(Six Packs)  

Delivery is FREE + FREE PHONE Call Consulation

"Good market" they say sells on its own. Here is a review from someone that have purchased and used this Product. Totally worth every dime, good value for money.​ Just few sips a day may wipe-out 75 % of your eye problems. Play the video below.

More Positive Feedback

Upon receiving and confirming your order details, you then become eligible for a free phone call consultation after which your order will be dispatched for immediate delivery.

✔Complete the order form only if you are ready to BUY NOW!. We process orders immediately.

✔Same or next day delivery is only available for Lagos at the moment. Other states takes between 3 -5 working days.

 ✔We only sell at the exact price listed here. No reduction or increment of price at point of delivery.


 ✔For enquiries Call/SMS: 08131593435

Please and Please, Do NOT click the ORDER button below if you are NOT READY TO PURCHASE NOW. We process ORDERS immediately we receive them and we also have limited stock and also have a lot customers to attend to. Only ORDER if you are available and ready to pay, else call 08131593435. Thank You.

Copyright © 2024. Clear Vision Tea

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